Hiking tracks

Nature trails, bicycle tracks, canoe or kayaking routes.

Viru bog trail

Viru bog trail is one of the m ost famous bog trails near Tallinn. It´s about 40 km on Peterburi maantee towards Narva. Then turn left to Loksa direction, few hundred meters and on trhe right side is a small parking place with map stand and DC.

Track starts from N 59.470907 E 25.637528.

Track is recorded in early winter time with high water, You can follow it exactly at any time. 

Kõrvemaa Nature Protection Area, bike trail wher2go Sat, 08/30/2008 - 01:18

Põhja-Kõrvemaa jalgrattamatkaradaThis is probably the most popular one-day bicycle track in Estonia. You can walk this track, to, but no cars a,,owed in the middle of track. You can reach starting point from Tallinn by train (Tallinn-Aegviidu, last stop) or by car (Peterburi mnt, turn off Aegviidu direction).

Sry, no pics from this track jet.
Google Map - track and waypoints.

Kaberneeme Peninsula, way to Ihasalu wher2go Sat, 08/30/2008 - 00:45

Kaberneeme ranniku matkaradaKaberneeme Peninsula is typical fishermen villages coast in North Estonia. Hotel, restaurant and harbour are available at the starting point. You can leave Your car there.
First part of journey is on sandy coast. Avoid private properties near coastline. Then turn back to pineapple woods.

Pictures about this track, 29.07.06
Google Map - track and waypoint.

Iru city nature trail wher2go Sat, 08/30/2008 - 00:40

Iru matkarada, Iru ÄmmIru trail is inside the city borders, but You can find pure nature and even animal activity here. This is unofficial track, so remember: no signs and no trails may be on the way. Beware of local land owners - track leads You to shore trail, what is officially free to pass for everyone, but some land owners are very angry about strangers. This didn´t happened to Us on our way, but You never know... all the track is publicly accessible by the law, some parts may change during the construction works near Iru Power Station, so follow the fences and signs.

Endla Nature Reserve wher2go Sat, 08/30/2008 - 00:32

Endla Looduskaitseala, matkaradaEndla Nature Reserve is one oft the most famous bog areas in Estonia. The Endla Nature Reserve was established in 1985 to protect the best preserved central part of the mire system and karst springs of the southern slope of the Pandivere Upland. It´s necessary to register Your visit at Tooma, where Nature reserve center is locating. Call +372 77 63375.

This track starts from N58°52.5963' E026°16.3836' - this is parking place in front of Tooma nature reserve center.

Emajõe Suursoo bogtrail wher2go Sat, 08/30/2008 - 00:22

Emajõe Suursoo, AhunapaluEmajõe Suursoo bog track is hard to reach, but is one of the wildest areas in Estonia including wetlands at Estonian bigger river Emajõgi delta on shores of Peipsi lake. This track ends away from starting point, so You have to walk twice this track - or use two cars for logistics to the end and back. This bog is good example of Estonian river wetlands.

Pics from this track will be added soon.
Google Map - track and waypoints.

Hiking tracks for nature travel in Estonia wher2go Sat, 08/30/2008 - 00:11

GPS Tracks for Travellers

This page collects GPS Tracks of some hiking routes followed by GPS owners.
Just search Your interesting route from list from right menu here, look track on the map and then download it.

How to download? Click on the name of *.GPX file and select Save As... after that, open GPX-file with Your favourite GPS utility (for example, GPSU). Then, save Your tracks and data from GPS and upload new track to your GPS. If You wish, it´s good idea to merge Your selected hiking track with Your previous tracks and waypoints. Follow the track legend to visit waypoints marked on track. You can use downloaded .GPX file with Google Earth, what is good mapping program showing a track on map or on satellite image. Just open it in Google Earth.

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